Netify Informatics#

Netify Informatics is a third-party cloud service that utilizes analytics and AI to convert local DPI metadata obtained from NethSecurity into high-level network intelligence and visibility. The solution provides insights into various aspects of network activity, including:

  • Device Discovery

  • Geolocation

  • Bandwidth Analysis

  • Risk and Reputation Analysis

  • Audit and Forensics

  • Regulatory Compliance

Here are some examples of what Netify Informatics can do:

Bandwidth Monitoring

Device Discovery

Risk and Reputation Analysis

How to try the Service#

To use Netify Informatics, follow these steps:

  • Register on the Netify website

  • Enable the sending of metadata from NethSecurity


Visit the following page to register:

Netify Registration

The service can be tried for free for 7 days. After this period, you can choose the plan that best fits your needs. See:

Netify Informatics Pricing

In the case of NethSecurity, there is always only one agent (the firewall itself).

Enabling metadata sending#

Each NethSecurity is associated with a unique code. To find the code for your NethSecurity, access the command line and enter the command:

/usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.netifyd call status | jq .uuid -r

The system will return a result similar to this:


Enter the code into the Netify Informatics web console.

To enable data sending:

/usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.netifyd call enable

To disable data sending:

/usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.netifyd call disable

Regulatory Compliance Information#

Netify Informatics Regulatory Compliance

General FAQ#

Netify Informatics FAQ