
L’obiettivo principale dell’Hotspot è quello di fornire connettività internet tramite wi-fi ad utenti esterni. Gli utenti sono indirizzati verso un portale di autenticazione dove possono registrarsi tramite login social, sms, email o un codice voucher e accedere ad internet. Il servizio hotspot permette di regolmentare l’accesso a Internet in luoghi pubblici, come piazze, hotel, stazioni e molti altri.

Funzionalità principali#

  • Separazione rete aziendale e ospiti

  • Personalizzazione del captive portal

  • Sono supportate diverse modalità di autenticazione (Login social, SMS, Email o voucher)

  • Autologin supportato

  • Hotspot manager con accessi differenziati (rivenditore, cliente, reception)

  • Esportazione degli accounts e report delle connessioni

Come funziona?#

L’implementazione si basa su 2 componenti:

Il portale dell’hotspot manager è in esecuzione in un server in cloud, una WebUI dedicata consente di eseguire attività come:

  • creare un’istanza hotspot: normalmente ogni istanza si riferisce ad una installazione specifica (ad esempio Art Cafè, Ritz Hotel e così via)

  • modificare la pagina del captive portal

  • scegliere quale tipo di login utilizzare

  • controllare le sessioni e utenti registrati

Una parte del servizio invece è in esecuzione sul NethSecurity (in terminologia nethspot questo client è chiamato «unità») .

  • Deve essere collegato fisicamente alla rete degli Access Points

  • Assegna gli indirizzi IP ai dispositivi

  • Reindirizza i dispositivi al captive portal per effettuare la registrazione


Questo manuale copre solo la parte cliente. Se sei interessato alla sezione hotspot manager si prega di fare riferimento a Icaro project se si desidera creare la propria istanza di Icaro o contattare info@nethesis. se si desidera utilizzare SaaS fornito da Nethesis e situato a ` <> `_.


This section shows all users connected to the system, distinguishing those who have authenticated from those who have simply received an IP address, it provides further information such as MAC address, traffic carried out and so on. More detailed informations are available in the hotspot manager.


This section allows you to associate a unit with a specific hotspot instance created in the hotspot manager.


Before associating the unit you must create an instance in the hotspot manager.

Multiple geographically separated units (NethSecurity) can be connected to the same centralized hotspot instance, creating a conference in which all users access the same captive portal and in which they can reuse the same login in all connected units.

Login to your hotspot manager#

This operation is mandatory to associate your unit with the created hotspot instance, use the same user and password of your hotspot manager, the Hostname field at default points to

Once you have logged in you can continue to fill in the following fields. This login access will remain active for 24 hours without any need to login again.

Register your unit#

Parent Hotspot : choose which instance you want to connect your unit to

Unit name : your NethSecurity’s name

Unit description : insert a brief description so that you can identify your unit more easily

Network address : clients will receive an IP address belonging to this network (use CIDR format). The first address of the network class is always assigned to the NethSecurity hotspot interface. The total number of clients that can be managed at the same time depends on the DHCP range you specified. If you need to provide hotspot service for more than 253 devices, consider using a larger netmask (/23 or /22 or even larger) and be sure to have an appropriate range.

DHCP range start/end : by default the system use the whole network range, you can specify a narrower one acting on start and end IP addresses.

After having fulfilled the form click Save button to register the unit.


Please verify in the hotspot manager-> Units that your unit has been properly registered. Each properly registered unit must show its MAC address in the hotspot manager. If the MAC address is missing please unregister the unit and try to do the registration again.

Unregister your unit#

If you made some error registering your unit (es. unit was associated to a wrong hotspot instance) or you want to remove this service, do the login in the hotspot section of NethSecurity and click to Unregister unit. Your unit will be removed both from the NethSecurity and from the remote hotspot manager, the interface used in your Nethsecurity will be freed up and you can use it for other purposes.